Dedicated to the life of Brian Rogers N1URO and
Dedicated to the life of WB6CYT - Brian Kantor
The time is:
current time here.
Welcome to N1URO, please be patient

Our hits:
our hit count.
Quick Stats:

19 up, 0 possibly down, 0 down, 0 unreachable


AmprNet/ coordinator for the following networks:
44.44/16 - Massachusetts
44.52/16 - New Hampshire
44.54/16 - Vermont
44.56/16 - Pennsylvania
44.60/16 - Maryland
44.64/16 - New Jersey
44.66/16 - Delaware
44.88/16 - Connecticut
44.104/16 - Rhode Island
44.118/16 - Maine


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debian linux.  Trinity Desktop (run by a ham!)

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URONode/axMail-FAX Official Website. new
I.T. Services.
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URONode info page.
XNET & TNC3 info pages.

Things to DO

* UROWeb's ftp site, Guestbook, IPURO:N1URO-5 Stats, Email Listings, Daily
Fortune, Online Amateur Operator Database, Calendar, Hostname IP Resolver
Domain Administration Viewer, Route Tracer, check email, and more!

Things to SEE
* Amateur Radio links, Commercial Radio Days, Current Connecticut IP-RF
Addresses, Field Day in Plymouth, Connecticut, Nodestack Pics, Bristol
Connecticut unofficial Coffee Net, Pizza Net, Coverage Maps, Request MFNOS,
look at our web server statistics, SpamNet map, and more!

Places to GO
* Search Engines, User Pages, AHL Hockey Link, and more!

Network Continuum
About this specific server


Current weather conditions here:

Weather Underground PWS KCTUNION6

Member of the Executive Guild's "Who's Who" for network technologies since November, 1999

who's who

Our other awards:


Thanks for coming

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All files are the intellectual property of N1URO. No reproduction of any kind is permitted without the written express of N1URO
Crystal Lake, NH weather